Why Add a Climate Change Module to your Introduction to Sociology class?

From its beginnings in the 19th Century, Sociology has been centrally concerned with the most important problems of modernity.  Today, climate change looms as the greatest of such problems.  Students now in college will live the rest of their lives in the shadow of this, the most profound threat to global human society.

BUT:  today’s best selling Introduction to Sociology textbooks discuss climate change, almost always, only briefly and only very late in the semester.  [Read that analysis HERE].

Showing students how Sociological analysis deepens understanding of climate change demonstrates to them the relevance and the power of Sociological thought, and helps them better understand one of the defining issues of our time.

for Professors and Instructors

for Students — Research Guides

Created and Curated by Professor Andrew Szasz
artment of Environmental Studies
University of California, Santa Cruz

with help from Dr. Jeffrey Kiehl
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
University of California, Santa Cruz